City: Kirkwood, Missouri
Food of the day: Chicken O'Tender Trio at O'Charley's (and obviously the rolls)
iPhone song of the day: "Half Alive" by Secondhard Serenade
Miles traveled: 5
What a day.
Our morning began bright and early Saturday, as the Kirkwood Athletic Association was scheduled to start games for the June Classic Tournament at 8 a.m. Following last night's ferocious round of heavy rain and hail, however, these specific fields were ALL underwater upon our arrival to the complex.
Since our location by the main entrance would be on asphalt, we went ahead and set up the base of our area with tents, tables and our inflatable batting cage. We returned back to the hotel to chill in the room for a bit (which was actually a horrible idea, as Kohrs and I got comfortable back on our beds.....yes, we were in separate beds). Eventually we made it back to Kirkwood to find out that the day's schedule had been altered because of fields not quite being ready. I have to give credit to the local grounds maintenance crew; those guys worked to the bone for about seven consecutive hours on a Saturday to try and get the fields playable, and their work was very much appreciated.
As teams and their families slowly streamed back into the park, the Baseball Youth village was rocking once again. Our "pack war" baseball card games seemed to be a big hit, and I'd be willing to bet there there continuously 40-50 kids waiting in line for both the prize wheel and the free Airhead candy hand outs. Saturday was also a special day, as my Dad hung out and assisted our efforts at the park. With the majority of my extended family still living in the St. Louis area, my parents decided to make the drive down this weekend to check out our routine and for a quick visit. I must say that my decision to hit the road all Summer is heavily attested to the amazing support I've received from my Mom and Dad throughout my entire life. Their selflessness always leaves me in awe, and I am a lucky guy to have the backing of such incredible people.
But it was great sharing the day with Dad, and even managed to get a couple of rounds of "catch" in with him. I do think he also has a new found respect for the amount of time and grunt work that goes into not only assembling and disassembling our road trip arrangement, but working and executing it as well. I think he also got a kick out of just watching the reactions of the kids to all of the freebies we offer, and how generally respectful and polite all of them are.
As the 6 p.m. hour drew closer, dark rain clouds once again rolled in, and we decided to call it a night. And just as we were folding up the beast of a batting cage that we have and throwing it in the trailer, the rains came and we made our escape in record time. Despite our disgusting state, we drove straight to O'Charleys near our hotel and met up with my Mom and grandparents for a nice dinner. It was a treat being able to visit with them, and they seemed extremely interested in all the small details of our trip and just exactly what we were up to and where all we were going.
We were scheduled to have another full slate of games again tomorrow (Sunday), but just prior to beginning this entry, Clink received information that indicated that tomorrow's games are already canceled, and I have to imagine that the fields simply cannot take more of a beating tomorrow with all the inclement conditions that have made things difficult the past few days.
Feel free to check out pictures from today's activities below. Because of the timing of tomorrow's cancellation, we now have two straight days off, which means will definitely be seeking out some fun things to do the next couple nights, including the St. Louis Cardinals vs. Pittsburgh Pirates game at Busch on Monday night.
Until then, take care and thanks for reading!